Te Whare Taiao o Rangitane
Cultural & Environmental Services
This arm of the Runanga is based at:
Manawa Ora
6 Ward Street,
Cultural and Political Services is the cultural sector of Rangitāne.
We provide the following services:
-Claims Management Unit (CMU)
-Resources Management Act Appraisals (RMA)
-Beneficiary/Registration Roll
-Archival Facility
-Cultural learning, information, advice and support
-Mātauranga - Education
...and is responsible for tikanga and kawa, whakapapa, historical archives, fisheries, resource management, environmental management, liaison with Rangitāne Tu Mai Ra Trust (RTMRT), Rangitāne Tangata Reo and the cultural development of Rangitāne o Tamaki nui-ā-Rua.
Manahi Paewai | Pou Tikanga |
Lui Paewai | Archives |
Jo Heperi | Resource Management |
Vacant | Receptionist |

Te Tapere Nui-o-Whātonga
Cultural and Environmental Management Plan
Ko Wai Au
Learning is a lifelong journey, not only for the learner but for their whanau and support systems as well. We are aiming to increase the opportunities for learners to grow their knowledge of te reo and tikanga in an education setting with our programme “Ko Wai Au?”
Rangitāne Tangata Rautaki
Download a copy
Te Reo Maori Strategy and Implementation Plan
Regular Wananga
The revitalisation of te reo is a priority. Rangitāne Tangata Reo is the strategy.
We have contracted with Te Matawai to develop resources, hold wananga and teach te reo (Kainga Korero). These are held on a regular basis and we invite all who wish to develop their te reo skills to join.
We have other initiatives under development that support the growth of te reo speaking communities.
Te Ahu A Turanga: Manawatū Tararua Roading Project
The Manawatū Tararua highway or Te Ahu a Turanga is a 12.4km-long highway being developed across the Manawatū Gorge, which is located between Hawke’s Bay and Manawatū in New Zealand.
The project aims to provide a resilient connection across the gorge, following the closure of the Manawatū Gorge State Highway 3 (SH3).
The new route expected to be completed in 2024 will improve connectivity between the Manawatu, Tararua, Hawkes Bay and Wairarapa regions and provide a safe alternative to the previous route. It will reduce travel time between Woodville and Ashhurst to 13 minutes for general traffic and 18 minutes for freight traffic.
Together with Rangitane o Manawatu, Ngati Kauwhata, Ngati Raukawa and Kahungunu, we are partners in the Te Ahu a Turanga Alliance. The other Alliance partners are Waka Kotahi, HEB, WSP, Fulton Hogan and Aurecon. We have a seat on the governance board and the Iwi Working Group (IWG).
Jo Heperi - Kaimahi
Peter Holm - Kaitiaki
Kuini Hoera - Kaitiaki Cadet